Privacy Policy

Effective Date: September 1st, 2020

At, we hold our customers in high regard and respect their privacy. Our mission is to enhance your shopping experience and keep you informed about our products, services, contests, and promotions. We are committed to handling your personal information responsibly. Rest assured, we do not sell or rent the information you provide us online to third parties. However, under specific circumstances detailed below, we may share your information with third parties.

This policy outlines the personal information we collect, why we collect it, how we use it, and when we share it with third parties. We also provide you with choices regarding the collection and use of your information. If you have any questions about our privacy policy, please reach out to customer service. If our information practices change in the future, we will inform you by posting the policy changes on our website or through direct communication. We will notify you of any such changes before using your information in a manner not previously disclosed in our privacy policy, giving you the option to opt out of any new usage.

What We Collect

We gather information such as your name, email address, mailing address, phone number, and credit card details when you place an order, save your information, or participate in contests, promotions, or surveys. We also maintain a record of your product interests and online and in-store purchases. Any information collected is shared with third parties only when necessary for order fulfillment.

How We Use Your Information

When you make an online purchase at, we use your information to process your order. We will send you confirmation emails and may contact you via phone, postal mail, or email for further order details. You will also be automatically subscribed to receive email updates about our products, services, contests, and promotions. Saving your information with will likewise sign you up for email updates. If you participate in a contest or promotion, you can opt to receive email updates.

If you wish to be removed from our email or postal mailing lists, please contact customer service. We respect your preferences and will honor your request, which may take up to one week to process. Periodically, we may send you emails to understand your shopping preferences better. We may also use your product interests and purchase history to improve our website and your shopping experience. When you make a purchase online or over the phone, you may receive notices about our products, services, contests, and promotions through postal mail.

To provide you with a more personalized experience, we may combine the information you provide online and in our stores with demographic information publicly available. If you do not want us to use your information in this manner, please contact customer service.

Third-Party Transactions

We collaborate with third parties to manage customer information and execute promotions and communication. These third parties are not authorized to use your information for any other purpose. When we partner with another company to offer products, services, contests, or promotions, we may cross-reference customer databases to identify shared customers. Information may be used to identify future promotional opportunities and fulfill obligations. Customers participating in contests or promotions in collaboration with other companies may be asked to provide personal information, which will be used for notification and promotional purposes.

Unless described above, we do not share, rent, or sell any online-collected information to unaffiliated third parties.

Accessing Your Information

You can access your information online by clicking the “MY ACCOUNT” link to sign in and review, edit, or delete your personal details. Requests to change the frequency of email updates may take up to eight weeks. If you want to be removed from our email or postal mailing lists or prevent the use of your information to enhance your shopping experience, contact customer service via email at

Removing Yourself from Mailouts

To access your information online, sign in through the “MY ACCOUNT” link and select the appropriate section to review, edit, or delete your personal information. Requests to change the frequency of email updates may take up to eight weeks. To unsubscribe from email or postal mailing lists or opt-out of information use to enhance your shopping experience, contact customer service via email at

We respect your preferences and aim to communicate only with those who wish to hear from us. If you prefer not to receive information via email, postal mail, or phone, let us know by emailing us at Please note that email confirmation of your order and necessary communication may still occur after a purchase.

Children’s Privacy is dedicated to the safety of children when using the internet. In accordance with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998, we will never knowingly request personally identifiable information from anyone under the age of 13 without verifiable parental consent. If we discover a subscriber under 13 who signed up without parental consent, we will remove their personally identifiable information from our records.


We use cookies, which are small data files stored on your computer’s hard drive when you visit websites. Cookies may contain information, such as a unique user ID, used to track the pages you visit. At, we use cookies to improve your shopping experience and monitor your use of our site. These cookies help us serve you better, enhance our site design, and offer products, services, contests, and promotions. We also use cookies to track the website you visited just before ours to improve our site design and fulfill contracts with business partners. Rest assured, we do not store personally identifiable information in your cookie.

You can disable cookies in your browser, but this may prevent us from tracking your order or enabling purchases. It may also prevent us from recognizing you as a registered user to access your account information.


We collect email addresses to send information, respond to inquiries, process orders, and provide updates related to orders, in accordance with the CAN SPAM Act. We commit to the